Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Lemons into Lemonaid

I've been faced with the dilemma of how to go back to work while keeping Charlie's diet and supplement and therapy schedule going. Here is a solution. Instead of feeling like I'm disadvantaged, unable to return to my former career. I've decided to turn Charlie's disability into a career change.

I've created a Food Coaching business. I will help other parents make the dietary changes required to follow biomedical treatment of autism, ADHD, asthma and allergies. I made a website, business cards are due to arrive as soon as the mail strike is over. I signed up to attend the practitioner seminars at the Las Vegas ARI conference in October. This will provide me with the tools to become a DAN nutritionist. I'm registering at the Canadian College of Natural Nutrition to become a Holistic Nutritionist.

Here is my website:


Here is the conference information:


Here is the holistic nutrition school:


Today is going well. The first juice had:

1/8 ASD multi
1/8 GABA
1/8 taurine
1/2 probiotic

The babysitter noticed an improvement in attention during stories and patience.

His second juice was as above but without taurine and with P5P.

He had a fruit and veggie tray and chicken broth for lunch.

The third juice had:

1/8 asd multi
1/8 taurine
1/8 GABA
1 probiotic

He just kicked his sister and he's complaining of a headache. Tomorrow I won't add the third dose of multivitamins.

The morning was good. Tomorrow I see Dr. Clack. I need to get his test results from Great Plains Labs.

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