Sunday, June 26, 2011

New books, new supplements, new naturopath

I'm making an appointment with a new naturopath.  His name is Dr. Clack and his practice is in the Touchstone Naturopathic Centre. The clinic supplied a big information packet.  I like information.  I recieved a list of reccomended reading.  I picked up two books on Thursday, and I just ordered two more today. 

On Thursday I picked up at Indigo:

Healing Our Autistic Children by Dr. Julie Buckley
Healing the New Childhood Epidemics by Dr. Kenneth Bock

I've pretty much blown through them this weekend.

I've also ordered from

Children with Starving Brains: A Medical Treatment Guide for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Jaquelyn McCandless, et al

 Changing the Course of Autism: A Scientific Approach to Treating Your Autistic Child
Bryan Jepson, Jane Johnson

I read today that Carnosine could cause hyperactivity.  Its suggested for seizure patients, its also the second last supplement on Dr. Bock's list. I'm going to cut it out.  Both of the new books contain supplement schedules and dosing.  Here is Dr. Bocks suggestions:

Tier 1
Vit C
Vit E
Vit A
Tier 2
digestive enzymes
folinic acid
leucine, isoleucine, valine
vit D
transfer factor

Dr. Sears suggests:
1-digestive enzymes, esp DPP-4
3-fish oil
4-multivitamin(A,C,D,E,B1,B2,B3,B6,B7,M12,Cal,iodine,Mag,Zinc,Selenium,Manganese,Chromium,Molybdenum,folinic acid,choline, inositol,glycine, DMAE, n-acetyl-cysteine,taurine)

I picked up some more supplements at QI:
Genestra HMF Forte probiotic
Natren Healthy Starter Kit probiotic
NOW Taurine powder

I've put together a new plan for next week. The goal is to reduce sugar intake, hyperactivity, and agression. 

Here is the supplement plan:

First Juice (diluted with stevia)
1/4 asd multi
1/4 GABA
1/8ts taurine

Second juice
1/8 asd multi
1/4 GABA
probiotics (genestra)

Night Time
d drops
1ts pro EFA fish oil
3mg melatonin
1/4ts GABA
mB12 shots every third night

From the new naturopaths website I learned about an online store for supplements called:

From them I was able to order Kirkman SuperNuThera plus P5P and a Kirkman Digestive Enzyme.

These past few days have been especially difficult. Both kids picked up a bug.  They had GI and Respiratory symptoms.  Interestingly, Clara was hit first and suffered longer.  This to me is a sign that Charlie's immunity is strengthening, it could also be a sign that Clara's immunity is weakening and she is heading down the same road.  We had a huge GI set back with Charlie as the bug just wiped him out, after 3-4 days of normal poop.

I have to focus on the positive, and remember that he had 3-4 DAYS of normal bowel movements.  That is the FIRST time in his life. 

I'm not happy that the order of supplements has been disjointed because they are based on what I've been able to get my hands on, instead of the recommended proper order.  However, again, focus on the positive.  We have started the process.  Dr. Clack suggests that the process should take 2 years.  On the 2 year anniversary of starting the biomedical protocol, Feb 14, 2013, I hope to look back on these posts and congratulate myself on a job well done.  My hope is that he'll be in French Immersion with his neurotypical peers, and his diagnosis will be removed.

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